Small thoughts on literate programming

Small thoughts on literate programming

02/28/2020 16:00:00

One of the most profound changes in my approach to software was understanding it to be literature. Functional literature, but literature regardless. Intent, characterisation, description, text, subtext, flow, rhythm, style, all effect software like they do prose.

It's a constrained form of communication, with grammar, and that's why we work in "programming languages". They are languages. With rules, idioms and quirks. These aren't analogies, it's what software is. It's storytelling. Constrained creative writing with purpose.

Basically, Donald Knuth was right, and called it a bajillion years ago - with the idea of literate programming. Today's languages are that thing. You will never be a great programmer unless you become an excellent communicator, and an excellent writer. The skillset is the same.

Critical thinking, expression of concept, reducing repititon, form for impact, signposting, intent and subtext. If you want to understand great software, understand great literature.

Communication skills are not optional

If you want to teach a junior programmer to be a better programmer, teach them to write. Language is our tool for organising our thoughts. It's powerful. It has meaning. It has power.

It's a gift, it's for everyone. 🖤

(I should plug that I have a talk on this - get in touch)